Finding a GP Job in New Zealand?

Can I work as a GP in New Zealand?

New Zealand is consistently rated as a country with one of the highest qualities of life in the world. It offers a safe environment for the whole family offering a great outdoor lifestyle.  New Zealand is an increasing multicultural society that appeals due to its diversity, laid back way of life and temperate climate.

As a GP working in New Zealand, you can expect a better work / life balance with more time with patients and a supportive work environment. Most GPs work 4 days per week with plenty of time off with your family or to explore what New Zealand has to offer.

Can I find a GP job in New Zealand?

GPs are in high demand in NZ, with an increasing shortage due to a retiring population. You can work in any location in any practice, with no limitations over where and when you can work. GPs earn an excellent salary which is 3-4 times that of the average income in New Zealand affording you a great lifestyle.

We have a huge demand from our medical centres for comparable GPs who can help them meet their patient demand. We have GP Jobs in New Zealand including Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch plus rural and regional towns and cities.  You’re never far from the coast or the mountains and it’s a fairly easy country to travel round with a great climate.

What qualifications do I need?

To be eligible to work as a GP in New Zealand, you must hold a GP qualification. This can be either from the UK, Ireland or Australia or from one of the comparable countries. If you have this and would like to find out more, please do get in touch with our team to discuss further.

What are NZ General Practices looking for?

Due to the shortage of GPs in New Zealand there are currently over 100 GP jobs in New Zealand. Practices look to the UK or Ireland or from one of the Medical Council of New Zealand’s comparable healthcare countries as the training and skills of GPs are deemed to be similar to those of NZ trained doctors. Aside from this, they’re looking for a great fit into the team. An experienced GP is always in demand however if you’re newly qualified that’s no issue and we don’t need a minimum amount of experience to be able to find you your dream NZ GP job.

What are the next steps?

The first step of the process is to get in touch with our team to find out more. We love to have a chat when suits you to find out more about your personal circumstances and what you are looking for out of the move. Once you’ve decided to go ahead, the first step is to find you your job then allow 3 – 6 months for the medical registration and visa paperwork.

If you have any questions or want to find out more please do get in touch with one of our team!

Further Reading

How to prepare for relocating as a GP

What is life like for GPs in New Zealand

Day in the Life of a UK GP in NZ

MCNZ Registration – Comparable Health
















What is life like in New Zealand for GPs?

What is it like to work as a GP in New Zealand

Before you start your GP job search in New Zealand, you may want to find out more about day to day life in New Zealand.

There are just 4.8 million New Zealanders, scattered across 270,534 sq km: bigger than the UK with one-fourteenth the population. New Zealand is the land of extremes with sublime forests, mountains, lakes, beaches and glaziers. It is relatively easy to travel around with distances between different towns and cities not being too great. Transport networks are well developed with airports throughout the country and well maintained highways.

It is made up of two main islands and numerous smaller ones: the North Island (known as Te Ika-a-Maui in Maori) is the more populous of the two, and is separated by the Cook Strait from the somewhat larger but much less populated South Island (or Te Waipounamu).

New Zealand is consistently rated as a country with one of the highest qualities of life in the world. It offers a safe environment for the whole family offering a great outdoor lifestyle.  New Zealand is an increasing multicultural society that appeals due to its diversity, laid back way of life and temperate climate.

New Zealand People

This former British colony has a population mainly of European descent but with an important indigenous Māori minority of mixed blood, a rapidly growing Asian minority, and smaller minorities of Polynesians, people from the Americas, South Africans and African.

The people of New Zealand are famed for their relaxed and friendly approach. More than one million New Zealanders were born overseas.

New Zealand Climate

New Zealand has mild temperatures, moderate rainfall and many hours of sunshine.
While the far north has subtropical weather during summer, and inland alpine areas of the South Island can get as cold as -10°C in winter, most of the country lies close to the coast with milder temperatures.

The average New Zealand temperature decreases as you travel south.  With their summer over January and February, these are the warmest months, and July is the coldest month of the year. In summer, the average maximum temperature ranges between 20-30ºC (70-90°F) and in winter between 10-15ºC (50-60°F).
Most places in New Zealand receive over 2,000 hours of sunshine a year, with the sunniest areas – Bay of Plenty, Hawke’s Bay and Nelson/Marlborough – receiving over 2,350 hours. As New Zealand observes daylight saving, during summer months daylight can last up until 9.30pm.

Cost of Living as a GP in New Zealand

Cost of living in New Zealand will very much depend on which part of the country you relocate.
One independent international survey ranked Auckland 58th in the world in terms of its cost of living, and Wellington 75th, far better than other major cities. Such cities included Hong Kong (3), Singapore (4), New York (16), London (25), Sydney (26), Melbourne (33) and Guangzhou (31) – showing that comparatively, New Zealand’s major metropolitan areas are more affordable. See our recent blog piece on cost of living for a GP in New Zealand

For an up to date costs of different items please see here 

New Zealand GP Registration Process

The registration process for New Zealand is relatively straightforward and usually takes a month to complete the application with the Medical Council of New Zealand.  To complete the full immigration and registration process you should allow 3 months after we have secured you a position. You will be eligible for registration if you have completed your medical degree and foundation year training from the UK or Ireland.

If you hold your GP qualification from another country then you may be eligible for ‘comparable healthcare.’ registration.  You will be required to hold 3 years of comparable healthcare experience. Please see the MCNZ website for a full list of comparable countries.

All new registrants, regardless of seniority, must work under supervision for the first 6-12 months in New Zealand to become familiar with the culture.  During this time you will be registered within a provisional general scope of practice and performance will be assessed by senior colleagues.

They will be required to complete certain requirements to be registered within a general scope. This will cause minimal impact on your day to day job and you will still be able to see patients independently.

NZ Visa for GPs 

To assist you through the complex immigration process we work with a Licensed Immigration Advisor who is registered with the Immigration Advisers Authority New Zealand. Our Immigration Advisor, Nicola, will expertly assist you and manage your visa process for you and your family.

What does a GP earn in New Zealand?

Unlike Australia, there are no restrictions on where you can practice as a GP in New Zealand allowing you the option to choose where to live and work; be it in the city centre, by the beach or somewhere more rural.

As a GP moving to New Zealand you will be offered an employed, salary position ($180 – $220k NZD for a full time position). You may perhaps have the option to buy into the practice or take over the practice at a later date. Practices often offer relocation assistance and other benefits such as paid indemnity insurance, MCNZ fees or paid study leave.

Work / life balance is excellent in New Zealand, most GPs only see 4 patients per hour allowing more time with patients and less bureaucracy and paperwork.

NZ Tax Rate 

2023 – 2024 Tax Rates

10.5%              $0 to $14,000

17.5%              $14,001 to $48,000

30%                 $48,001 to $70,000

33%                 $70,001 to $180,000

39%                 $180,000 and above

For more detailed up to date tax information please see the tax office website
Income tax calculator

New Zealand Schools and Education

There’s a choice of three types of school in New Zealand – state schools (funded by the government), ‘state integrated’ schools and private schools.

State schools are the choice for the vast majority of New Zealand children (85%). Schooling is free at these schools, although parents are asked for a contribution to help cover costs of activities that are outside of the core curriculum. Typically this will be around NZ$250- $500. There will also be other charges for sports, school trips, special tuition, exam fees, and other course related costs.

‘State integrated’ schools are schools with a special character – they may be run by a particular religious faith e.g. Catholic or use specialist education methods like Steiner or Montessori. Just over 10% of students are enrolled at these schools. Education in state integrated schools is also funded by the government but the schools may charge fees for various facilities which are usually around NZ$1,500 a year.

Just under 5% of children go to private schools which charge around NZ$20,000 in fees a year.
School usually starts at 9am and runs to 3pm or 3:30pm. There are four school terms running from late January to mid-December with two-week breaks between them and a six-week summer break at the end of the year.

New Zealand Accommodation

Most GPs choose to rent a property in New Zealand first and buy later when settled. Housing varies greatly across the country.  Prices tend to be higher in the cities with Auckland being the most expensive and slightly lower on the south island.  For more information on property please see and TradeMe

New Zealand Healthcare System

Primary healthcare, including general practice, out-patient services, and prescriptions, is funded by a combination of public subsidy and private contributions. General Practitioners provide primary, community based, comprehensive and continuing patient-centred care to individuals, families and the community. Many general practices run as private businesses and set their own fees which are paid by the patient.

The cost of a visit will be lower if you’re enrolled with the GP, because the government subsidises the fee. Some general practices join a ‘low cost access’ programme run by their primary health organisation (PHO) which is overseen by the local District Health Board. This means they get extra government funding to keep their fees at low levels.  GPs, Practice Nurses, Māori health providers and other primary healthcare providers work together to meet the health requirements of the local people, with PHOs funded according to the demographics and needs of their population.

Secondary healthcare services, including acute hospital treatment, are free to those who meet the eligibility criteria. New Zealand has a reciprocal agreement with the UK to provide free treatment. There is strong uptake of private health insurance (as in Australia), partially triggered by long waits for state hospital treatment.

Speak to Our GP Recruitment Team

Thinking about relocating to New Zealand? Our experienced GP team are here to help. We can advise on everything from visa queries to questions about the cost of living in New Zealand. Speak to us today to get started on your move down under or browse some of our excellent GP jobs New Zealand.

Further Reading
8 Benefits of Moving to New Zealand
Is there an age limit for GPs
The Cost of Living as a Doctor in New Zealand

Useful Links
Medical Council of New Zealand
Immigration New Zealand 


UK Healthcare System compared to the Australia / NZ

For GPs relocating from the UK to Australia or New Zealand, you will have questions on the differences between the two health care systems. We have outlined how the health care system works in Australia and New Zealand.

Australia GP Healthcare System

Medicare is Australia’s universal health care and insurance programme. It guarantees Australian citizens access to a wide range of GP and hospital services at no or low cost.

Australia’s Medicare system is funded by the local taxpayers. Medicare is open to Australia citizens and permanent residents and those from a Reciprocal country. Once you enrol in Medicare you are issued with a Medicare card which allows you to access medical services, hospital treatment and prescription medicines.

The Medical Benefits Schedule (MBS) lists the medical services covered by Medicare either in full or partially covered. The Pharmaceutical Benefits System (PBS) reduces the cost of medication to patients. As Medicare doesn’t cover all Medicare services, many patients choose to take out private healthcare insurance.

Private vs Bulk GP Billing

Patients in a GP practice are either bulk or privately billed. Bulk billing is where the total fee is charged to Medicare with no cost to the patient. A bulk billing GP consultation will be billed with an item number which will correspond to the scheduled fee. This is what you as a GP can claim for the consultation. Private billing is where the patient is charged but the partial fee can be claimed from Medicare with a ‘gap fee’ paid by the patient. Private billing consultations are set by the practice or the individual doctor.

This will affect how you are paid working as. GP in Australia.  You will receive a percentage of billings (between 60 – 70%) Your income will be very good however dependant on the number of patients you see and the complexity of those patients.

New Zealand Health System

The Public Health system in New Zealand is funded by taxpayers. Essential health care is free for all NZ residents and those with a visa for 2 years and longer. As a UK GP there is a reciprocal agreement between the two countries to access some healthcare services.

There are 3 key sectors in New Zealand; District Health Boards, Primary Health care and Health organisations. DHBs are government funded and are responsible generally for secondary health, PHOs assist with primary health services including general practice and community health services. There is also Accident and Compensation Corporation (ACC) which is a government run personal injury scheme which helps to pay for medical and treatment fees which are caused by an accident.

General Practice in New Zealand

General practice in New Zealand are privately run and set their own fees for consultations. The fees must remain within a threshold agreed by the DHBs and PHOs and the level of co-payment is determined by the practice. The cost of the visit will be lower if you’re enrolled as the NZ government subsidises the fee for enrolled patients. Some practices join a Very Low Cost Access (VLCA) programme run by the local PHO. This means they can keep their fees low due to extra funding.

Working as a GP in New Zealand

As a GP working in New Zealand you will initially be on an employment contract paid a salaried rate. This will come with additional benefits such as paid leave, sick leave and sometimes relocation assistance and paid medical practising fees and insurance. We find that our GPs settle in well into life in New Zealand, and enjoy that enviable work / life balance in an enjoyable patient setting.

For more information on living and working as a GP in Australia or New Zealand please do get in touch. 

Further Reading

Residence Visas New Zealand

Australian GP Salary Calculator

How to prepare for moving as a GP


What is life like working as a GP in NZ today? We catch up with a UK GP couple who moved to Wellington

We’re really delighted to hear how a GP couple we helped relocate to New Zealand are getting on. Dan and Hannah first got in touch with us in August 2020. Emma spent time getting to know them before securing them a post just outside Wellington which they started in June this year.

They’ve kindly taken the time to outline what life is like for them as GPs in New Zealand which we hope you find helpful in your decision making. If you want to find out more about moving to New Zealand as a GP please do get in touch with Emma here

What made you decide to move to New Zealand?

We had always considered working abroad as we love travelling and had wanted to explore on a more permanent basis. We both chose general practice as a career as we felt it would allow us to travel and work abroad more quickly than some other specialist training programs, as well as the fact that it is a varied and flexible job. We had visited New Zealand and absolutely loved the people, the lifestyle and the landscape.

Tell us about a typical day in your GP role?

COVID taking off in New Zealand has slightly changed the structure of our workday (from when we started) but it is still mostly face to face appointments of minimum 15mins. Patients are encouraged to book double appointments if they have complex problems. For the most part there is allocated time for paperwork and we always have a lunch break – this even includes leaving the building for a brief walk.

We do have a reasonable input to the inner workings of the practice and have regular clinician meetings to discuss cases or whether we feel anything could be done differently.

Best Bit about your day?

Dan – Having a lunch break and finishing on time most days

Hannah – finishing on time is an absolute luxury. Also having recognised time to fill out paperwork and do scripts.

Most challenging part of your day?

Dan – Still coming to terms with certain ways the health system in New Zealand works.

Hannah – there are some differences compared to the UK in that we manage more maternity care and GUM here. It has definitely pushed me into doing some new things which we didn’t have much exposure to back home.

How do you find the culture and lifestyle compared to the UK?

Dan – We loved our lives in the UK but work was heavy in terms of volume and it was sometimes difficult to switch off. Here I find I can spend my time off not worrying about work (as it’s more manageable) which means it’s much more quality time. We moved to an area where there is plenty to do outside, we are next to forest and hills, 25mins drive to the beach and Wellington. Everyone when we moved was willing to help out and people are friendly to each other.

Hannah – New Zealand has a very relaxed lifestyle and attitude to life. Places are generally much quieter with less queues and traffic which is a welcomed change. The Wellington surroundings are beautiful and the area is so accessible to the rest of New Zealand, allowing us to reach forest, beach, mountains and city in a short drive. There is so much to do here which does make down time so much more interesting.


How have you and your family settled in and would you have any tips for other GPs relocating?

It helps that we are both doing the same job so the transition has been straightforward for both work and general life. There are a few things that are different in New Zealand – renting is mostly all through private landlords and there is a lot of competition for property. Housing is variable based on this and it can feel like it takes a while to find the right place. We stayed in an Air BnB for 1 month whilst we decided what areas were right for us.

Our shipping still hasn’t arrived and it’s nearly 6 months on from when it was picked up from our house in the UK. If you are bringing furniture/household items definitely arrange this early and think hard about what you would really like to have in those first few months.

How have you found the transition from general practice in the UK to New Zealand?

Dan – So much easier than expected. The medicine is similar to a few more things being managed in primary care than in the UK and others we are used to but now have very little involvement in. This will change depending on where you end up working as well and the local secondary services available.

Hannah – I am surprised by the ease at which we have both managed to transition. Having only been a GP for 1 year prior to coming to NZ, I did have some worries about this, however we have been lucky enough to find a very supportive practice with a diverse group of colleagues with varying skills. On the occasions where I have picked up the phone to the hospital, I have been greeted with friendly clinicians who have always offered helpful advice.

It is more common for referrals to get rejected in New Zealand as the public system does have a very stringent budget with strict criteria. This can impact a little on the way you practice at times.

Finally, how have you found Transition Medical in helping you make the move to NZ?

From our first contact with Emma we wouldn’t have explored any other companies helping with emigration. Even when it was just an idea she took the time to listen and address any concerns. There was never any pressure. If anything I think it was harder because we had so much choice and didn’t feel an affiliation to any particular part of New Zealand. Once we had narrowed this down the job interviews and applications were easily facilitated by Emma and Kirsty and our immigration advisor. There is a lot of information to get through but it was made as easy as possible by the team. We couldn’t recommend them highly enough.

Further Reading- click on the headings below in blue to read the full blog. 

Is there an age limit for GPs?

Top Tips for GP’s relocating to NZ

How are you supported into practice?

What next?

If you are interested in relocating to New Zealand and would like to find out more please get in touch with one of our specialist GP recruitment team.

Top Tips for GPs Relocating to New Zealand

Here at Transition Medical we get asked many questions from GPs new to their New Zealand GP job search. As one of the leading UK GP recruitment agencies we have compiled a brief checklist of things you’ll need to have (and think about)!

1. Primary Medical Degree from a recognised university – MBBS, MB ChB, MD, MB BCh, BM etc

3. Language Skills – All overseas trained GPs are required to demonstrate their English competency. This is fairly straightforward for overseas GPs. It can be proven if English is your primary language, you completed your primary medical degree from a recognised English-speaking country (UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa or USA).

Another way of meeting this requirement is to have worked continuously as a registered medical practitioner where English was the first and primary language for a minimum of 2 years and can provide the names of two referees who can attest to your English language ability.

Otherwise you would need to sit an appropriate English language test eg IELTS or OET.

4. Medical Registration – Full, current and unconditional registration from your current authority (i.e. GMC) and unconditional registration from any previous registering authority. You will need a Certificate of Good Standing from each authority you have been registered over the last 5 years.

5. You must either hold a Primary Medical degree and have completed your internship from a Competent Authority such as the UK or Ireland or hold recent experience from a Comparable health system.

6. A Job Offer – To work as a GP in New Zealand and be able to secure medical registration and a suitable employment visa you must secure a job offer. The first step of this process is to speak to one of our medical recruitment specialists to find you a great GP job in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch or a fantastic coastal town or somewhere more rural. Whether you want city, beach or country life, we can find you what you’re looking for!

7. Timescales – The medical recruitment and visa process for New Zealand is relatively straightforward and will take approximately 3 months. We would recommend getting in touch around 6 months prior to you wishing to relocate.

8. Age doesn’t matter – GP practices are looking for good all-round GPs, so whether you are newly qualified, mid-way through your career or reaching retirement there will be a GP vacancy available for you.

9. COVID – We have to mention it. Although the New Zealand border is currently closed to most, GPs are still able to apply for an exemption to cross the border. We have had many doctors successfully relocate during this time. Managed isolation (MIQ) is required however we will help you navigate this process.

10. Finally – When considering working as a GP in New Zealand, it may seem a daunting process and you’ll be weighing up the pros and cons of relocating. Many GPs have already made the move and find the working conditions and lifestyle to be far superior than the UK. Discover what our GPs have to say and why we’re one of the Best Doctor Recruitment Agencies

If you are considering a move or just want to chat through options we have a dedicated team who will guide you through every step of the whole process. Visit our latest vacancies or contact us directly here.

NZ Medical Registration Process – GPs

NZ Medical Registration Process for GPs

To work as a GP in New Zealand you need to be registered with the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ). The medical registration process for GPs is reasonably straight forward, and usually, doctors who have qualified and worked in countries with comparable health systems are not required to sit any exams to gain registration with the MCNZ. Once an application is submitted it should take around 20 days to process.

There are two main routes for GP’s applying for provisional general registration, which are the Competent Authority and Comparable Health pathways. Transition Medical will guide you through which route would be most suitable medical registration pathway based on your qualifications.

Competent Authority Pathway

The Medical Council recognises the Irish Medical Council and the UK’s General Medical Council as competent authorities. This is the most commonly used pathway for medical registration for GPs in the UK to apply. To apply you must hold a primary medical degree from a university medical school in the UK or Ireland, have completed your internship in the UK or Ireland and meet the fitness to practice requirements.

Comparable Health Pathway

You can apply for this pathway if you have a primary medical degree from a university medical school listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools (see here); have worked in a comparable health system(s) for a minimum of 30 hours per week for at least 33 of the last 48 months; have proposed employment in New Zealand in the same or similar area of medicine, at a similar level of responsibility to the work you have done in the last 48 months, and hold a full or general registration in at least one comparable health system which contributes to this time in clinical practice.

If English is not your first language you may first need to sit and pass International English Language tests. Transitional Medical will be able to guide based on your individual circumstances.

Once the MCNZ have assessed your application and determined that you are eligible for the scope of practice that you have applied for, they will email a letter of eligibility for registration and an invitation to complete the process by attending a registration interview once you arrive in NZ. At this stage, we can also apply for your visa. Transition Medical has a specialist emigration team who will guide you through your visa application.

The registration interview allows you to complete registration formalities and apply for your practicing certificate. Once this is completed you will receive your practicing certificate and be ready to start your new role.

All doctors, regardless of seniority, are required to work under supervision for 6-12 months to become familiar with NZ practice and culture. This is an excellent way to integrate and familiarise yourself with practicing in New Zealand. During the supervised period, you will be registered within a provisional general scope of practice, once you complete your period of supervision and complete certain requirements you will be registered within the general scope.

Read More

GP Recruitment New Zealand – How are you supported into practice?

Your New Zealand GP visa questions answered 

What is life like for a GP in New Zealand?

GP Medical Registration Australia – Transition Medical 

Shipping Your Belongings to New Zealand | Transition Medical

Your Guide to Shipping Your Belongings to New Zealand

So, you’re thinking about moving to New Zealand? Perhaps, you’ve already secured a job offer from one of our lovely GP clinics. Or, maybe you’re still in the early days of researching and planning?

Whatever stage you’re at in your move down under, our guide offers impartial advice on to shipping to NZ and starting your new life as a local GP.

Shipping your belongings to New Zealand is certainly not an easy task. It’ll take some preparation and even professional help. But, let’s start at the very beginning — figuring out what you should bring with you.

How to Figure Out What to Bring When Moving to New Zealand

Getting your life into a shipping container is a tricky challenge, especially if you’ve lived somewhere for a long time. On the one hand, it can be sad to say goodbye to the old jumper you’ve had since college, but on the other hand, bringing everything with you can be extremely pricey.

Start by thinking about whether the cost of shipping the item outweighs the sentimental or actual value of your belongings. Some things can’t be replaced or would be pricey to do so. You may also want to have familiar items in your new home, especially if you’re moving to New Zealand with young children.

Next, think about your new life and house. What items will fit in your new home? Are you downsizing to a smaller place? If so, not all your furniture will fit. Also, remember that New Zealand houses are different from UK homes so they might have different space requirements. Your new home may also come with some items like large scale appliances or furniture.

When thinking about electrical items, it’s important to remember that New Zealand has a different electrical system. While appliances in New Zealand use the same electrical voltage as the UK, the maximum current is only 10 amps (rather than the 13 we use here). So, you’ll need to check that your appliances will work, before you ship them.

What You Can’t Ship to New Zealand

New Zealand has some strict requirements on what you can’t bring with you. These rules are in place to protect their unique and beautiful ecosystem and largely apply to items that might impact it.

Items that are strictly prohibited:

  • Weapons and firearms
  • Most food items
  • Items made from animal by-products including coral, snakeskin, whalebone, shells or fur
  • Medicines using musk, horn or bone

Items that require additional documents or quarantine:

  • Herbs & spices
  • Taxidermied animals
  • Bamboo, cane, rattan, basketry and mats
  • Unprocessed wool and animal hair
  • Dried flowers or bulbs
  • Saddles and riding equipment
  • Artefacts (wooden carvings, shields, masks, etc.)
  • Camping equipment
  • Vacuum cleaners

Check the status of any item on New Zealand’s customs service website.

What to Do If You Plan on Bringing Any of the Above

If you plan to bring these items, you’ll need to declare them on your itinerary before departing. While you probably won’t get stopped at Customs, the risk isn’t worth it as you’ll face a hefty fine if they discover any of these items, undeclared, in your suitcase.

You’ll get a bill for any inspections, treatments and disposal or exportation of any items customs refuses. And, the total cost can be mind-blowing.

How to Pack Your Belongings for Shipping to New Zealand

Controlled Items

As part of the packing process, it’s important to clean anything that’s come in contact with freshwater or soil. For example, you’ll need to clean items like camping equipment, fishing supplies, hiking shoes, and watersport accessories like dive suits or life vests.

After you’ve cleaned these items, make sure to pack them in the same box and clearly label what’s in the box. Customs offers charge by the hour, so anything you can do to speed up their work will reduce the overall costs if your container is inspected.


You’ll obviously want to bring along your clothes. When packing your clothes, remember that New Zealand has different seasons than in the UK. So, when it’s winter here, it’ll be summer there and vice versa.

Make sure to pack warmer/summer clothes, depending on the season in New Zealand, last so it’ll be easy to access your clothes immediately. You may also want to pack one or two bags separately and check these bags under the plane, so you’ll have clothes while you wait for your container to clear customs.

Electrical Items

As we discussed earlier, New Zealand has a different electrical system than the UK and their electrical current tops out at 10 amps, three amps less than Britain. So, you’ll need to check your devices before you pay to ship them down under and discover that they won’t work there.

You can find this information on most electrical devices or by looking up the brand/model online. Anything that needs a stronger current, above 10 amps, should be left at home. Most appliances should be fine, but pay close attention to any heat generating items like kettles, toasters, hair dryers and lamps as these typically require more energy so might exceed 10 amps.

Shipping a Car to New Zealand from UK

Should you bring your car? It may seem tempting, but most professional moving companies suggest otherwise.

Importing a car to New Zealand can be extremely expensive and complicated, making it simply not worth it. New Zealand has some tough regulations on vehicles, so bringing your car down under is very time-consuming and will require far more paperwork and money than other items.

Some companies may help you with the cost as part of your relocation package. Before you take them up on the offer, you’ll need to consider whether your car will meet New Zealand’s regulations as they have strict standards on factors like emission rates so many UK cars won’t pass the test without serious work. So, you may find it easier to buy a new car rather than ship your old one.

If you’re still thinking about shipping your car, you can find more information on the process and requirements on NZ Transportation Agency’s website.

What Documents You’ll Need Before Moving to New Zealand 

Once you’ve figured out what items you’ll take and started packing, you’ll need to contact a shipping company. Most shipping companies will help you sort custom documents and streamline the process.

But, it’s important to know the documents you’ll need to ship your household goods. Most people will need:

  • A copy of their passport & visa (so you’ll need to secure a new job before you start the shipping process)
  • A combined customs and quarantine declaration form
  • A numbered inventory/packing list
  • A personal effects supplementary declarations for consignments containing items which are a biosecurity risk.
  • Valid treatment certificates for goods that have been fumigated, heat treated or cleaned.

Your moving company can advise on any additional forms you may need.

How to Ship Your Belongings to New Zealand

When it comes to shipping your items, you have a few options depending on how much stuff you plan on bringing with you.

Sole use containers. Best for people looking to ship most of their belongings, sole use containers are one of the cheapest and quickest methods. You can use either a 20ft container, which is generally large enough to fit a 2- 3 bedroom house. Or, a 40ft container, which can hold a 3- 4 bedroom house. From door-to-door, sole use containers take eight to ten weeks to arrive in New Zealand.

Groupage. If you only plan on bringing a small amount of items (i.e. less than a 2-3 bedroom house), groupage consignment might be a good option as your stuff is grouped with other items which will reduce the overall cost. However, this method normally takes a bit longer at about 10-14 weeks.

Cost of Moving Belongings to New Zealand

The expected cost varies widely based on how much stuff you’re shipping and the type of items. You’ll have to take clearance and customs duties, insurance, storage costs as well as international shipping costs into account.

Generally, most families pay between £2000 to £5000 depending on container sizes and final destination. But, we recommend shopping around to make sure you find the best deal and a company that can meet your needs.

Transition Medical — Helping GPs Make the Move Down Under

Here at Transition Medical, we specialise in helping UK GPs make the move to New Zealand. We’ll support you throughout the entire process, from connecting you with attractive GP New Zealand vacancies to providing advice on moving your family pet and finding a new school for your children.

Check out our other related blogs for more information on making the move.

Other Related Blogs 

We speak to one of our UK GPs working in Auckland – Find out More

Looking for a GP job in Auckland?

We have recently had the pleasure of assisting a UK trained GP relocate to New Zealand. We talk to Dr Kate Gittins who we helped find a GP job in New Zealand and moved with her family.  If you’re thinking about finding a GP Job in Auckland, read further.

What made you decide to move to New Zealand?

We worked in New Zealand more than 20 years ago and had always wanted to return to work here. The opportunity arose for us to move when my husband was offered a job in Auckland. Our sons were in University and my daughter thought that it would be a great experience for her to study in another country so after a lot of family discussion we decided to move.

Tell us about a typical day in your GP role in NZ?

I now work in a large GP practice on the coast in South Eastern Auckland, my day starts at 08:30 and ends at 17:30, I see patients every 15 mins with regular breaks for tea and lunch, on average I see between 24-30 patients a day. There is no on call or visits and there is a large practice team of nurses, receptionists and administrators all available to help.

Best bit about your day?

The best bit of my day is getting home in the early evening less stressed with plenty of time for my family.

Most challenging part of your day?

I am still settling into life as a GP in New Zealand so the most challenging part of my day is learning the New Zealand way of managing patients, new pathways, which medications that are available here and ways of referring patients.

How have you and your family settled in and would you have any tips for other GPs relocating?

We have settled into life here very easily, the people are very friendly, easy going and helpful. My daughter’s school has been great and she made lots of good friends. I haven’t really got any tips about relocating, it is stressful but well worth it.

How have you found the transition from general practice in the UK to New Zealand?

General practice in New Zealand is very similar to general practice in the UK, the main difference is that here general practice is private so the patients pay to see their GP which can occasionally change the dynamic of the consultation but most of the time I just need to remember to give them the invoice! The other difference is that here the consultations are a minimum of 15 minutes which makes a big difference in terms of patient care and I feel less stressed.

Finally, how have you found Transition Medical in helping you make the move to NZ?

I found Transition Medical very helpful in finding me a GP job in Auckland and made my move to New Zealand very easy and less stressful.


Further Reading

Your NZ Visa questions answered

NZ Schooling System

How are you supported into practice

How to give yourself the best chance to find your dream GP job

What next?

If you are interested in GP jobs in Auckland and wider NZ and would like to find out more please get in touch with one of our specialist GP recruitment team.

Moving Your Family Pet to Australia or New Zealand from UK

As anyone with a family pet knows, leaving them behind simply isn’t an option. Yet the process of moving your pet to Australia or New Zealand can be complicated. You’ll need to find a pet transportation company, ensure your pet meets the essential criteria and has the right vaccinations, apply for an import permit, and send your pet through quarantine. With so much to do, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed at first.

Our guide will explain the basics, connect you with the right resources and help you get started on the process of moving your pet to New Zealand or Australia.

Pet Import Requirements: Moving to New Zealand or Australia with a Dog or Cat

New Zealand and Australia are considered rabies-free countries, which means that there are strict requirements in place to ensure they stay that way. Thankfully, the United Kingdom qualifies as a category 3 country (an approved country where rabies is absent or well-controlled), which means that it’s relatively easier to relocate a pet from the UK.

You can find out more about pet import requirements for New Zealand here or pet import requirements for Australia here.

Finding a Pet Exporter for Pet Relocation to Australia or New Zealand

While it’s possible to move your pet to Australia or New Zealand without the assistance of a pet exporter, hiring a company to tackle all the logistics certainly makes the process easier. We recommend shopping around to find one that suits your needs but here are a couple to get started.

  • PetAir UK. Run by professional veterinarians, PetAir UK are experts at comfortably and safely transporting your pet anywhere in the world. They’ll help you handle all of the logistics and even create custom creates tailored specifically to your pet’s needs.
  • AirPets. Based in the UK’s largest airport, AirPets offer convenient and luxurious pet transport. Their door-to-door service and dedicated personal pet travel consult will take all of the hassle out of moving your pet to Australia or New Zealand.

Step One of Moving to Australia and New Zealand with Pets: Book Quarantine

Every animal arriving from outside New Zealand and Australia will need to spend a minimum of ten days in a government approved quarantine facility. You’ll need to reserve their space and receive a confirmation letter before you can apply for an import permit. If you’re using a pet exporter company, they’ll handle this part of the process.

In New Zealand, pet quarantine facilities are privately owned which means you’ll have a range of options to choose from. An MPI approved list is available here and you can often make a booking online or via email.  We recommend reading the online reviews to make sure you select one that can meet your and your pet’s needs.

Australia only has one government approved quarantine facility, located in the Melbourne suburb of Mickleham. You’ll need to obtain an import permit and your pet will need their rabies vaccinations and RNATT certification before you can book quarantine. The facility fills up quick quickly so it’s important to make a reservation before planning your move to Australia. We recommend booking as soon as possible, but at least two months before your arrival.

Step Two of Pet Relocation to New Zealand and Australia: Book Your Flight

Both Australia and New Zealand have strict regulations about the airlines that can import animals and the airports animals can arrive at.

For New Zealand, it’s likely that your pet will have to enter New Zealand via Auckland as only certain airlines, like Air New Zealand, are allowed to import animals into the country. As the only quarantine facility in Australia is located in Melbourne, your pet will need to arrive at Melbourne International Airport, undergo the mandated quarantine period and THEN travel to its final destination.

A pet exporter can help you find the best flight and plan the safest route for your animal to travel.

Step Three of Moving Pets to Australia and New Zealand: Vaccinations

About 18 to six months before you relocate, you’ll need to start the rabies work. As New Zealand and Australia are rabies-free countries, all animals must receive a rabies vaccination before arrival.

Dogs and cats arriving from the United Kingdom are required to have their primary rabies vaccination at least six months (seven months for Australia) and a rabies blood sample at least three months (one month for Australia) before flying.  Even if you’ve had your animal previously vaccinated, it’s likely you’ll need to do it again as vaccinations must be given within the 12 months before travel.

Step Four of Moving to Australia or New Zealand with Pets: Veterinary Checks

Before travelling, you’ll need to have a veterinary check completed. The veterinary checks for Australia and New Zealand vary slightly.

For New Zealand, Dogs will need to be tested for Leptospira and heartworm and receive treatment against ticks and internal parasites while cats will need to be treated for ticks and worms (about three weeks before flying). Both dogs and cats will also need to be microchipped.

Dogs will also need to attend the vet about two weeks before flying to be tested for Babesia and Brucella. Both dogs and cats will need to see the vet two days before flying for a final check and treatment for ticks. This final check-up is required for the UK DEFRA export paperwork.

For Australia, you’ll need to take your dog to the vet about 52-43 days before travelling so that the vet can examine your dog for ticks and apply an anti-tick treatment. Make sure that your vet issues the right treatment as the Australian government has regulations about the treatments they can accept. As an entry requirement to Australia, your dog will also need to be vaccinated against Leptospira. During this initial vet appointment, you’ll also need to get the DEFRA export paperwork.

About a month before flying, you’ll need to return to your vet to have blood samples completed to confirm that your pet does not have any diseases like Ehrlichia, Leishmania or Brucella. Dogs and cats will also need to receive another tick and internal worm treatment.

The final veterinary check happens five days before your flight. At this appointment, your animal will receive a general check-up to ensure they’re healthy to fly and do not have any infectious or contagious diseases. Your vet will also need to complete the UK export paperwork.

Step Five of Moving a Dog or Cat to Australia or New Zealand: Import Permits

Pets travelling from the UK to Australia New Zealand will also need an import permit to fly. To apply for the permit, you’ll need to provide the quarantine confirmation letter and initial vet documents.

The vet documents need to confirm that your pet has been microchipped, has been vaccinated against rabies and has passed the Rabies Titer test. The documents also need to include an Official Veterinary Declaration (OVD).

For New Zealand, it can take up to a month to process the import permit and we recommend applying at least 20 days before arrival. The import permit is only valid for ten days from your intended arrival date so if you have a change in plans you’ll need to apply for another permit. Import permits for New Zealand are about half the price of Australian import permits. Information on costs here.

For Australia, the process typically takes about 42 days so we recommend applying two months before arrival. Further information on import costs.

More information about the import permit and other steps you need to take to move your pet to New Zealand can be found in MPI’s handy guide and information about Australian import permits can be found here.

Have Questions About Moving to New Zealand or Australia as a Doctor?

At Transition Medical we help GPs, and their pets, make the move down under. Over the years, we’ve assisted many GPs move to New Zealand and Australia and have experience dealing with complicated issues like visas and pet relocation. Speak to one of our specialist recruitment professionals today to find out more or browse our current job openings.

Other Relevant Blogs

Moving to New Zealand from the UK: How Does New Zealand’s Education System Compare?

A crucial part of preparing to move to New Zealand with children is considering how they might adjust to the change. Naturally, you’ll have questions about New Zealand’s education system? Will your children be able to start school immediately? How does New Zealand’s education system differ to the UK’s?

Our blog article takes an in-depth look at the New Zealand education system for international students with a particular focus on how it differs from the UK. We hope it eases any concerns about emigrating to New Zealand and are happy to answer any additional questions you may have.

New Zealand’s Education System at a Glance 

Each year the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) assesses and compares educational systems across the world. Here’s how New Zealand’s education system measured up for early childhood education and schooling:

  • New Zealand ranked in the top third of OECD countries for early childhood indicators like participation and expenditure
  • New Zealand’s education system has some of the lowest teacher-child ratios
  • Youth employment, when compared to other OECD countries, remains high and New Zealanders are more likely to leave school sooner to pursue employment or further education opportunities
  • New Zealanders, between the ages of 15 to 29, not in employment, education or training (NEET) is lower than the OECD average

Overall, these results are quite positive. Students studying in New Zealand can expect to receive more individual attention from teachers due to the low teacher-child ratios and continue on to promising employment and education opportunities post-graduation.

Moving to New Zealand with Children: How Does New Zealand’s School System Work?

New Zealand provides free access to education for students between the ages of six to 16. Unlike British students, who typically start school between the ages of 4 to 5, New Zealand students don’t start school till after their 5th birthday and parents can choose to delay their education till the age of six.

Similar to the UK, the New Zealand education system also includes 13 years. Students typically attend primary schools from year 1 to 8 if it’s a ‘full’ primary school or year 1 to 6 if it’s a ‘contributing’ primary school. Pupils at ‘contributing’ primary schools then attend an intermediate school for years 7 and 8 before moving onto secondary school.

Secondary school, also sometimes referred to as ‘college’ or ‘high school’, covers years 9 to 13. New Zealand has a great teacher-student ratio for years 7 to 10 with most classes only having 16 students per teacher — well below the teacher-student ratios in the UK. Legally, students in New Zealand are allowed to leave secondary school before finishing year 13 but are not allowed to leave school till after their 16th birthday.

Types of Schools

The New Zealand education system has three types of schools:

  • State schools. State schools, also known as public schools, are owned and funded by the government. 75% of New Zealand students attend state schools. Education is free, but parents may need to pay for supplies or uniforms.
  • State integrated schools. Integrated schools are schools that follow a certain religious belief, teaching style, etc. These schools are funded by the government but may charge a compulsory fee of NZ $1,500/year for upkeep.
  • Private schools. Only 5% of New Zealand students attend private schools. Some schools have boarding facilities while others are only for day students. As private schools are not government funded, parents need to pay tuition which typically costs NZ$20,000 per year.

Key Takeaway: In general, New Zealand’s school system is very similar to the UK so students, as well as teachers, can seamlessly transition between the two.

New Zealand Education System: Smaller Class Sizes, More Individual Attention

New Zealand has a fantastic student-teacher ratio. In fact, one of the most notable differences between UK and New Zealand school systems is class sizes. Most New Zealand classes only have between 17 to 30 pupils and the official OECD ratio is 1:14 for secondary schools. On the other hand, the UK is known for large class sizes and OECD reports reveal that British schools have some of the largest class sizes in the developed world.

As such, students studying in New Zealand can expect to get plenty of focused, personal attention. Smaller class sizes can allow students to achieve better academic results, feel more supported and develop a closer relationship with their teachers.

New Zealand National Curriculum 

State and integrated schools throughout New Zealand use a national curriculum focusing on values, key competencies and subject areas. Students are encouraged to think creatively and analytically while building skills in core subjects like maths, English and science.

New Zealand also emphasises ecological sustainability, community and local cultures. As such, students are often taken on educational trips to explore New Zealand’s unique natural beauty and learn about local plants and animals. Studying in New Zealand will allow your child to learn about the nation’s Maori culture, history and experience once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.

Key Takeaway: Attending a state or integrated school allows your child to learn about your new home’s incredible natural beauty and local culture.

Moving to New Zealand from the UK: Different School Days and Holidays

As a country in the Southern hemisphere, New Zealand’s seasons are almost the exact opposite of UK seasons. Summer in New Zealand runs from December to February while winter is from June to August. This also impacts school schedules:

  • Term 1: Late January to early April (two-week break)
  • Term 2: May to early July (two-week break)
  • Term 3: Late July to late September (two-week break)
  • Term 4: Mid-October to mid-December (six-weeks summer holiday)

Similar to the UK, Students still get a six week summer holiday. However, unlike the UK, the summer holiday happens between mid-December and late January!

For exact school holiday dates, check the Ministry of Education’s website.

How to Enrol Your Child in School

Once you’ve secured a job and know which town you’ll be living in, you need to start the enrolment process. Each school follows slightly different procedures so you’ll need to contact them directly and get their enrolment forms. When your child can start school will depend on whether they’ve had previous schooling.

Children Starting School Without Previous Schooling

Children in New Zealand typically start school on their fifth birthday, but parents can choose to delay their child starting school till their sixth birthday when they’re legally required to be enrolled in school.

Some schools allow students to start at any time of the year after their fifth birthday, while others have ‘cohort’ entries which means that all students start at the school at the beginning of the year. If your child is attending a school using the ‘cohort’ system, you can still choose to delay their entrance till their sixth birthday.

Children Starting School With Previous Schooling

If you have an older child that’s already received some previous schooling, you can enrol them in New Zealand schools at any time of year. They’ll be placed in the same year as other similarly aged students; for example, ten-year-olds will be placed in year 5 or 6.

Does Your Child Need a Visa to Study in New Zealand?

Whether your child can attend a state or state integrated school for free will depend on if they qualify as a domestic student. To be a domestic student, your child must be a New Zealand resident, permanent resident, citizen or obtain a student visa based on your temporary work visa.

As the child of a GP on a work visa, your child will qualify for a dependent child student visa and will be able to enrol in school as a domestic student.

Emigrate to New Zealand as a GP

Ready to start the process of emigrating to New Zealand from the UK? View some of our latest job vacancies or speak to one of our specialist recruitment consultants today.

We’re happy to answer any questions you might have or help you get started on the move down under!

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