RACGP Updates : Streamlining the process

RACGP Updates for UK GPs

The Royal College of GPs in Australia (RACGP) has made a commitment to ensuring the process of overseas trained GPs is simplified. This is to attract and increase the number of GPs working in GP jobs across Australia.

The possible changes being considered are off the back of the Independent review of overseas health practitioners known as the KRUK report. The results of which are due to be released at some point before the end of the year.

The measures being considered include:

  • simplifying and amending comparability assessments
  • reducing the training and skills comparability scores required
  • simplifying and amending comparability assessments
  • widening the type of training considered applicable
  • removing the multi-source feedback requirement
  • removing the requirement for a reflective essay
  • reducing the minimum time on the Specialist Pathway from six to three months.

Current Changes Implemented

We are thrilled to announce that commencing 22 November 2023, the RACGP has made significant amendments to the Comparability Assessment.

Continued Professional Development (CPD):

There were previous restrictions on number of hours of CPD completed on any specific period which has now been removed.

  • Any 50 hours of CPD completed in the 12 months preceding the Comparability Assessment application will now be eligible for assessment.
  • Previous restrictions on the maximum hours per day (10 hours) and the maximum hours in each CPD area (20 hours) have been removed.
  • Applicants are still required to provide detailed evidence to support their CPD in required number of hours

Clinical Case Analyses (CCA):

The mandatory submission of 10 Clinical Case Analyses (CCA) is no longer required. This is a significant time saving to all GPs going through the PEP pathway. Any new applications will no longer need to provide these case studies.

These adjustments to the Comparability Assessment process for the PEP Specialist Stream represent a positive stride towards improving accessibility for medical professionals seeking recognition in the field.

Overall these are incredibly positive and show that the Royal College of GPs are trying to improve the onboarding process for overseas trained GPs. We hope that this will reduce the burden of administration for your move and paves the way for further positive updates.

Transition Medical will manage the medical registration and visa process for you free of charge. If you have any questions on how these changes will effect your application then please do get in touch.

Further Reading

Navigating the PEP process

Tax System for GPs working in Australia

How to prepare to move to Australia