GP Job Brisbane Suburbs – 35 minutes from city centre

Opportunity to make a genuine impact on the local community with great earning potential and flexible working schedules
  • 65% of billings with excellent income
  • Mixed billing clinic
  • Open ended contracts
  • Great working environments
  • Flexible working patterns and independence

GP Job Brisbane Suburbs – The Practice

This is a South Australia based medical group of practices located across South Australia, Queensland and Tasmania. The group has a focus on high quality medicine and strive to provide a positive and friendly work environment.

GPs are able to develop specialist skills and are offered clinical leadership opportunities. You also have the opportunity to invest in the group which allows a return on practice work without the traditional workload and risk associated with clinic ownership. The Group has a UK doctor led Clinical Advisory team offering support.

The practice is based in the suburbs, 35 minutes from central Brisbane. It is an established clinic where you can inherit an existing patient base due to retiring GPs. There are 8 consult rooms and you will join a team of experienced doctors. The practice is well equipped with a 3 bed treatment room.

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