I want to apply for a job in Australia where can I work?
In an area which is classified a Distribution Priority Areas or DPA. The practice must also be able to hold a Health Workforce certificate to sponsor you on your visa. The workforce locator map here will allow you to check the geographical classification of any location in Australia
How long are the contracts?
Generally, 2 years – with some more rural practices may consider 12 months
How long does the paperwork take?
For Australia we suggest approximately 9 months from job acceptance to visa approval
Will I work under supervision?
Yes, In Australia initially but just for 6 months if you’re substantially comparable. A period of self-reflection, peer review and clinical case analysis. There are no exams if substantially comparable.
What is the RACGP Practice Experience Program (PEP) Specialist Stream?
This is a pathway program designed for specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs) to gain Fellowship with the RACGP. The workforce and training program allow GPs to access Medicare benefits while working towards fellowship.
Please visit the PEP Specialist Stream webpage for more details.
To apply for the program, all SIMGs must first complete a comparability assessment.
Do I need to sit exams on the PEP Specialist stream Pathway?
After satisfactorily completing all of the program requirements, substantially comparable participants will be eligible to apply for FRACGP. Partially comparable participants are eligible to enrol in the Fellowship exams
Why do I have to meet English language skills registration standards?
To be registered as a health practitioner in Australia, you must be able to demonstrate that your English language skills will enable you to safely practice your profession.
If English is your first language then you must prove evidence of schooling and / or further education in an English speaking country. If you are not able to prove this, then you may need to sit an English language exam such as IELTS / OET. If you sat PLAB or IELTS coming to the UK and continued working in an English speaking environment then it’s likely you will meet the requirement.
You can click here for further info on AHPRA English Language Policy.
What is AHPRA registration?
AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency) is Australia’s national organisation responsible for doctor registration and accreditation.
To practice medicine legally in Australia you must be registered with AHPRA.
Can I work part time on the visa?
Yes, you can work full or part time on the temporary work visa.
Is there an upper age limit for the work visa?
No there are no age requirements for the Subclass 482 visa. If you wish to apply for Permanent Residency then upper age limits of 45 apply however there are circumstances where this can be exempted.
Do I need private health insurance?
Australia holds a reciprocal agreement with 11 countries including the UK and Ireland which allows you to access publicly funded services. You may wish to take out health insurance for the long term for when you are in Australia as this will give you & your family additional cover to what may be obtained via the Australian Medicare system.
How will I be taxed?
You will be taxed as an Australian resident. The tax system is incremental with the top tax rate as 45% which is paid on anything over $180K. You are likely to work as an independent contractor so you can put some costs against your gross income.
New Zealand
I want to apply for a job in NZ where can I work?
Anywhere, there are no restrictions on where you can work. Options are city based GP jobs, rural jobs or something in-between.
How long are the contracts?
Minimum contracts tend to be 12 – 24 months. You can sometimes find 6 month GP jobs but this will limit your options.
How long does the paperwork take?
We suggest approximately 3 months from job acceptance to visa approval.
What is MCNZ registration?
The Medical Council New Zealand (MCNZ) is the national organisation responsible for doctor registration and accreditation. To practise medicine legally in New Zealand you must be registered with the MCNZ.
Will I work under supervision?
In NZ you will work under supervision while registered within the provisional general scope of practice. After around 9 months you can apply for general scope of practice.
Why do I have to meet English language skills registration standards?
To be registered as a health practitioner in NZ you must be able to demonstrate that your English language skills will enable you to safely practice your profession. If you’ve taken your original medical diploma in English, then you don’t need to take a language test. If not, then you will need to prove otherwise.
If you are currently practising in a non-English country then it’s likely you’ll need to sit an English exam such as IELTS / OET. If you’re working in the UK but completed your Medical training elsewhere then you may be able to meet the English language policy via references. You can click here for further info for the English Language policy for NZ
Can I work part time on the visa?
To work in NZ, you are required to work a minimum of 30 hours per week. Most of our doctors sign an 8 session per week contract which is 32 hours per week or 4 days.
Is there an upper age limit for the work visa?
No there are no age requirements on the temporary visa. However, if you want to apply for residence at a later date there is an upper age limit of 55.
Do I need private health insurance?
If you’re a citizen or permanent resident of New Zealand then you’re eligible for a range of publicly funded healthcare services. However, having private health insurance may allow you more control over where and how you want to get treated, and which specialist you want treatment from.
New Zealand has a reciprocal agreement with the UK and Australia so if you live in either of these, you are entitled to range of publicly funded services.
How will I be taxed?
New Zealand works on an incremental tax system with proportions of tax calculated at 17.5%, 30% and 33%. Anything earned over $180K is taxed at 39%. We can provide you with a calculator to work out how much income you’ll have after tax – please get in touch for more information.