Visa for GPs Australia update

Permanent GP visas in Australia

We’ve just been made aware of a positive amendment in Australian immigration policy for doctors when applying for Permanent residency. This has been highlighted by Richard Field, our specialist Immigration Advisor and Lawyer who will help you through your visa application for you and your family.

This update relates to one specific visa type, the Employer Nomination Scheme (Subclass 186) Visa. This is a visa which requires sponsorship from a Business Sponsor in Australia. The new change enables GPs to be able to apply for this visa as soon as they arrive in Australia rather than waiting until full AHPRA registration is in place.

Previously GPs would need to wait until they had completed their provisional or limited registration period before being eligible to apply for Permanent residency. This would mean you would need to wait until you’ve completed the initial 6 month supervision period, gain Fellowship (FRACGP) and apply for Specialist registration with AHPRA before being able to apply to immigration.

The Australian Immigration Department have now advised that all medical practitioners working under provisional or limited registration can now be accepted for the Permanent Residency pathway.

This will make it easier for doctors who wish to apply for Permanent residency shortly after they wish to arrive in Australia. For more detailed information on how this may be relevant to your own circumstances, please do get in touch.